Minimum Words: If you satire is written, 400 or more - However, other formats besides writing may be used
Links to outside sources: Optional
What is the biggest rock? This is the most important question.
Start here for an excellent video that defines what satire is and gets you a head start on how to make your own.
Here's an example of satire, outlining the tortures of Teenage Affluenza.
Jon Stewart, who is a modern master of Satire, explains about his relationship with it here.
Your assignment is to create an original piece of satire on a topic of your choice.
It can be written as an essay, an article, a poem, or a song. It could be performed as a piece of music or speech, it could be a video done alone or with partners. It could take the form of anything you please.
Feel free to label your post as Satire if you are worried about your audience forming the wrong impression about you. However, if you truly want to do this well and have your intended effect, you may want to avoid the label.